Worldwide Shipping
Orders are shipped from Tbilisi, Georgia
Shipping cost is calculated at checkout:
starting from $16 for shipping 1-3 small houses.
$20+ for shipping bigger houses.
Handling time and Shipping time
Orders are usually packed and shipped out within 3 business days.
After shipping out International orders typically take 10-15 days to be delivered, in rare cases up to 4 weeks.
International shipping depends on many factors. Please take this into consideration when placing an order. I cannot guarantee that the parcel will arrive at a certain time.
Customs fees on international orders
Import taxes or customs fees that are specific to each destination country are not included in the price. You may be charged your local duties, customs fees or import taxes upon arrival depending on the regulations in your country.
Buyer is solely responsible for understanding and complying with import requirements of the destination country.
Returns and Refunds
Please read the product description and details carefully before you purchase!
In case you want a return: Buyer pays the return shipping, when the item arrives I arrange a refund for the item excluding the original shipping.
If the item is damaged during the shipping, send me a message and I'll be glad to send a replacement or offer a refund.
All payments are securely processed via PayPal, which offers many payment options, from credit/debit card payments, Visa - Mastercard to payments from paypal accounts.